Thursday, 28 April 2011

The Transition - How to get to a better place

It is all good and well to sit around critically pulling apart the world and finding flaw with everything. It is wonderful to sit and conjecture about what an ideal world would be like and look like, and how brilliant it would all be. It is however a completely different business when trying to put together a plan for a transition from the flawed to the sublime.
In fact, even the most learned of scholars who have been pondering the problem for more than half a century, will say that it is far too complex a matter to be attempted lightly and more than likely will not be able to accurately describe the sequence of events required to bring about change.
There are several ways in which the desired result might be achieved, and each method would have positives and negatives based on the relative position of the person judging it. There are also several thousand million small details that might go unaccounted for. I mention this only so the reader understands this is conjecture. If the system were implemented, there would be more than just my singular person to plan and execute these systems.

Short term(3yrs)
  • The only way to change any system, is from the inside out. It will take money to get rid of money.
  • If 1% of the world's population controls 40% of it's wealth, that leaves 99% to control the other $25 trillion. 
  • This $25 trillion can be secured (for sustainable use), by offering the 99% of the population a credit card with NO LIMIT, save that of consience, law (revised) and greed restrictions (a golden toilet serves no higher a purpose than a ceramic toilet). 
  • In exchange for the card they are required to sign a contract forwarding all their earnings to same account. The world is the account holder. The details for the account go to everyone, everything is transparent.
  • Work is only a requirement until the self sustaining systems are in place, then everyone is free to really do what they want, only the necessary jobs will remain. 
  • The credit card will from then on be used only as a tracking device the money being paid over goes directly to securing the resources of the planet
  • If bad things are being done, they will be obvious.
  • $25 trillion, when split among 6 billion people, comes down to a very paltry $4000 per person, making an even spread a ridiculous notion. Even with the other half (the half belonging to the super wealthy, who are, understandable reluctant to release their hoarded possessions) there would not be enough. 
  • if we instead, use the $25 trillion to implement a change in systems, the result will be a single account, holding the majority of the world's wealth and resources.
  • 1 geothermal energy plant producing clean, sustainable, renewable energy that could easily be given away for free, costs approximately $10mil. so... $1 trillion will build 100 000 of them or their equivalent, (area dependent, wind/water/solar). Energy, Check.
  • A state-of-the-art 40 unit hospital costs about $25 mil. an immediate $1 trillion will build 100 000 of these. Health care, Check oh, and add on a trillion for sustainability design and industry restructuring.
  • A new school (primary or high) costs $10mil. 500 000 schools and free open education for all. Education, Check (Note that education features under both medium and long term as well)
  • Vertical Farms and other modern farming techniques will fill the food shortage, a $1 trillion injection for the additional food to get everyone fed to begin with and a further $2 trillion to convert current farms requiring conversion. Food Check
  • Borders must become for governance only, not restrictive, import and export taxes and duties are a useless waste of money paying for simple administration, which can be better handled by automated systems. 
  • There is no reason for an immediate change of government in places that are not suffering under their government, but, as there is no longer any money affiliated with the people who govern, there can be no corruption. 
  • Water security and sanitation for 3rd world countries is imperative.
Medium Term(5 years)
    • The education system will require a major overhaul. Without fiscal economics and it's multitude of industries, the education will have to focus on new objectives. The overhaul will be able to take advantage of all the latest advances and technology.
    • Government will restructure according to the will of the people. Who literally own all the resources.
    • With more than half the crime being a thing of the past, Law systems will be revised.
    • Sustainable 1st world Housing for everyone is the bare minimum to strive for.
    • 1st results from hightened research should begin to bear fruits, easing transition further.
    • The transport system should be undergoing drastic changes, with many options tat are deemed fanciful today, being the way of the future.
    Long Term(10 years onwards)
    • First major revision of all systems should be done at this point to ensure that stagnation is not occuring.
    • Education should be global at this point and moving towards higher education globally.
    • Research will begin to take us into the realm of science fiction and fantasy. (Without all the malevolent AI robots that want to kill us) Improving the quality of life for all.
    • All new systems should now be in place and ready for adaptation as and where required.
    If you have scrolled straight to the bottom in hope of a simpler explanation, here it is:

    If we all stand together, we can fix all the world's problems. Literally.

    Tuesday, 26 April 2011

    Systems that CAN WORK

    When we think of the future, we hope for the best, but our inner realist says: HA! IT"S ALL FALLING TO PIECES NOW! IT"LL FALL TO PIECES THEN! and we tend to look forward with fears of armageddon, nuclear holocaust, and a planet that returns the punishment we have given it.
    Here i must admit that as a species, the human race has proved to be extremely aggressive, and it's ability to adapt has led to our domination of the planet. This power, as with all power, has corrupted us, severed our link with our planet, and driven us to the point of destruction. But we hold ourselves back from the brink. Our global consiousness is aware enough to sense its danger, and we scramble to patch our broken planet. But patching cannot work, it cannot but create new set of problems, being based on the current systems.
    So what we are looking for then, is a completely new set of systems.

    The thought experiment:

    If we we to get rid of all systems that dont work and replace them with re-thought systems, what would we replace them with?

    • The Monetary System
      • it must be admitted, that through the monetary system, we have discovered a wonderful tracking system for our resources. This should not be discounted when moving forward, but rather taken to it's full potential. The problem with the current system is debt and consequent inflation. If the monetary system is "demoted" in importance through the removal of debt, it can be effectively used to keep track of all the planet's resources without doing the damage it currently does. Money itself must have no value, it must only represent value. Money itself should be freely available, with limits being set only to conserve and improve the future.
      • The new system should invlove a tracking system (a mag-strip card will suffice, chips under our skin are just silly and potentially dangerous) which simply needs to be swiped to record what goods are being "purchased". 
      • This is not a payment system, everything is essentially free, you do not have to work to earn, work you do will be due to passion and interest. You dont have to steal, take your card and go get your own. You dont have to be greedy either, you dont actually own any of the things your card 'buys' you. 
      • This system allows for responsible resource management, without prospects of profit or threats of financial ruin.
      • Finally, this system breaks the association of value with money, and rather establishes value with that of the resource and not its potential for profit, while simultaneously using its transparency to easily identify system abuse.
    • Medical/Health Care
      • Budgetary Restrictions on research are no longer a problem as the monetary system has been replaced and innovation shoots through the roof, reducing disease, and advancing our knowledge faster than at any point in the history of medicine.
      • Budgetary Restrictions on distribution are no longer a problem. Everyone has a card, the tracking system shows us which medicines are needed where, and Doctors Without Borders has proven that some medical practitioners do care, i would hazard a guess and say that most do. And with the lack of financial restriction, the medical field will now include many who were formerly ineligible purely because of economic circumstances.
      • Medical Insurance will no longer be necessary, as the new monetary system does all the tracking, and medicine is freely available to all.
      • The resources freed up by the removal of health insurance will easily provide for the required spread of health care to those who need it.
    • Education
      • I must admit that my knowledge about the international educational system is sporadic at best, but i feel confident that the removal of the current monetary system will have a positive effect on education. I intend to look much deeper into the matter for a future write-up
    • Political
      • Without money to corrupt it, any of the more modern social or political systems might work. The idea here though is to re-invent. So, although democracy gives the power to the people, it also allows the fears of the uneducated to stand in the way of growth or improvement. Communism does not allow for recognition where it might be due although, in theory, it provides equally for all. The best option would of course be to take the best of each system, and form something new. Allowing for discussion. The removal of money will remove much of the crime, thereby reducing the need for law enforcement and in turn lowering the need for law revision or law creation. This will allow government to govern without the need to politic.
    • Entertainment
      • With the focus shifting away from material possession, the media industry will reduce the amount of useless advertising and increase educational content. The internet is vital to this future. We may not see it now, but through the internet, we have created the ability to utilize both the HIVE-MENTALITY and individual thinking. This will set us apart as a species more than ever before, but as less superficial beings, we will be more inclined to use our ingenuity for the good of the world around us
    • Agricultural 
      • Without profit margins to chase, agriculture will be free to feed the whole planet, responsibly, abundantly and healthily .
    • Energy
      • The aim is simple, zero negative impact on the ecology, maximum positive impact.
    • Real Estate
      • The False concept of ownership will be broken, no more borders, no more homeless, no more
    • Resource Management
      • This will be the most important system, as this will directly affect the long term future of the species, and the planet. It must place emphasis on sustainability and abundance. This will include everything from energy, to food, water and even so far as intellectual property. All resources are precious.
    • Waste Management
      • There are several companies that are now initiating systems that turn human rubbish and waste back into oil and other basic forms of carbon, this seriously needs to spread planet-wide, and fast!
    • There are so many new forms of transport that are faster, safer, less damaging to the environment, and cheaper to own and maintain, that the time has come to embrace them and reject tradition energy driven transportation.

    This is the basic set of systems that I would replace in order to fix what is currently broken and has only my limited view for potential. There is obviously a much more detail picture needed, but as long as it follows these basic formats, it should perform the hoped for improvements. In my next piece, I will discuss a possible transition into this set of systems. Please leave comments, especially if you disagree, after all, that's how we learn.

    Systems that DONT WORK

    It has become abundantly clear to me, that there are almost no systems left in place on the planet that have not been compromised or corrupted in some way. The current systems all either serve a very few, tirelessly, while ignoring the masses, or actively feeds on the majority, still to the benefit of the very few. This is classic parasitic behaviour, and we are now nearing a very important and subtle verge where the parasite begins to kill the host completely (this will occur as soon as the parasite has found an acceptable new host, or has learned self-sustenance).

    It is some of our basic and most intrinsic systems that are causing this parasitic behaviour, and it is these systems that must be addressed. They are:

    Pig knew he could never eat it all,
    but he also knew it was his destiny to try
    The Monetary System
      • Crime - 90% of all crime is related to money
      • Corruption - Money is the key cause of almost all forms of corruption
      • War - Regardless of publicized reasons, all modern wars are about money.
      • Poverty - 1% of the World's population owns 40% of it's wealth, is that fair?
      • Ownership - If an object has value, currently, it's value is made up based on various calculations and inflations governed by laws and allowances for profit. But, as with any system, after enough time, the users begin to see the loopholes in the system and the value of the item becomes undermined while the price incrementally gets pushed upward, seeking higher profit margins. Ownership essentially devalues any product owned. And who actually said it belongs to you anyway?
    • Medical/Health Care
      • Budgetary Restrictions on research - Medical research that is not profitable, will not be persued. This means that the cures to major diseases might never be found, is this how we want to live?
      • Budgetary Restrictions on distribution - If we are so medically advanced that we can chryogenically freeze Walt Disney, why is Africa still sick?
      • Medical Insurance Fraud - the medical industry has brought medical insurance with them to cover their ridiculous prices. No insurance, no guarantee of good health care. This is commonly known as blackmail, and is a horrible way to run an entire industry
      • Wealth distribution inequity - Does a plastic surgeon really deserve the mansion in the hills? while the nurse working her self to a stand-still truly caring for patients lives in a crumby apartment.
    World IQ rankings. Red - Low, Green - High
    IQ scores show as low in poorly educated systems.
      • Lowering Standards
      • Incorrect teachings
      • Lack of education
      • Materials and resource restrictions - again, Africa, it's like the world revels in watching these orphans with snot on their faces, with no real hope for the future.

    • Political
      • Fundamental flaw - All political systems are fundamentally flawed, because they are placed over a world where the monetary system is already in place. Meaning that eventually, the politicians will steal and abuse their power, big companies will pay politician to enter into illigal business practices, unfair trade advantage will be given to some, and even the choices within a Democratic system become simple manipulations on behalf of the Big Business Companies.
      • Remove money,and try it again, then we might be able to choose a system that works
    • Entertainment
      • Abused mass distribution method - The potential of the modern media industry is awe-inspiring, and yet, what are we doing with it? Wearing Meat-dresses to music awards, and feeding us utter garbage 90% of the time.
      • Superficial - There are real topics out there, ignore Paris Hilton!!!

    • Agricultural
      • Modern Farming techniques could feed the entire planet easily and use less space than it currently is, with less ecological impact, but there's no profit in that, so it doesn't happen. Again, Africa thanks the world for it's consideration.
    • Energy
      • This is an over-stated topic. Simple facts: Oil will run out, coal will run out, green energy is growing, but is being slowed by the oil and coal companies, and we are tolerating it.... why?
    • Resource Management
      • If resources we're protected because of their use-value instead of their monetary value, gucci loses it's appeal, and water suddenly becomes clean and drinkable.
    • Religious
      • Too touchy a subject to go into but a few points to be made
        • World's Most Influential Banking Interest - The Roman Vatican
        • Two biggest religions are the also the two responsible for the most atrocities in history.
        • Religion is the best selling product on the international market
    • Real Estate
      • The False concept of ownership. Perpetuated to the point of insanity with both ides of the battle screaming, this is our land!!! when in fact, it belongs to everyone, not just some of us.

    Waste Management
      • There are several companies that are now initiating systems that turn human rubbish and waste back into oil and other basic forms of carbon, this seriously needs to spread planet-wide, and fast!

    • Transport
      • There are so many new forms of transport that are faster, safer, less damaging to the environment, and cheaper to own and maintain, that I am astounded to see the comparison between traditional transportation and modern transportation. The divide is getting smaller, but so slowly, that by the time Eco Friendly is the order of the day, it will be too late.
    In my next post, i am going to try and talk about replacement systems and/or amendments to current systems that i think will make a significant change to the way the world lives. Let me know what your opinion is.

    Tuesday, 12 April 2011

    The Plan (Just The Outline)

    Okay, so saying something like  "we should get rid of all the money in the world and make everything free" is a pretty naive and ridiculous statement. But factor in for a moment the fact that I am actually quite a smart fellow and quite far from naive, and you are left with a statement that needs further explanation.

    Let's have a look at the sentence then... I'm saying:

    •  we should (which is  indicative of advice), not we must (tyranical), or might (inconclusive),or could (speculative). 
      • One of the most important lessons my diverse life has taught me, is that advice, should always at least be listened to. Once you have listened, you can make up your mind about everything else, but without information, you cannot make a single accurate decision, because the mind will make it's own conclusions in the absence of facts. 
    • get rid of, not replace, or rethink, or reinvent. I mean to be rid of completely, where no trace of it or anything like it remains.
    • all the money in the world
      • Mirriam-Webster definition of money
        • something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment
      • So this will include bartering systems, pricing systems and currencies (including debt and credit)
    • and make everything free
      • Nobody owns anything. You just think you do. It's a figment of your imagination. It is your inner caveman hoarding his prized possessions. When, in fact, the only reason we have prospered, is we figured out how to use fire and created a tyranny of power throughout the planet. All creatures fear us. For with our fire came safety, and from safety to freedom to create instead of simply surviving. And with that creation we cemented our superiority. We are the only animal to significantly evolve since that first fire was lit on purpose. So we created our dominion over the world. Claimed our ownership of territory. Forever expanding in our conquest, until, finally the globe was covered, and the concept of ownership securely tied to the fate of man.
    Now we are living in a world ruled by ownership, and those who own the majority squeeze it for every ounce of profit they can. while those that own the minority are constantly pushed further and harder to make ends meet, until slowly, everything is assimilated and consolidated under a one world economy. And this is not as far off as one might think. Simpy put, the time of choice is upon humankind, and to err now could prove costly to not only people, but the world as a whole.

    Now, obviously this is not a random thought that I had quickly scribbled onto a blog and posted. This idea has been slowly festering for 16 years. I have thought it through, spoken to several hundred people, had some amazingly vehement arguments and slowly brewed the plan down, distilling it to a point of clarity that has convinced me of its possibilities. Now 16 years, of which the first half is puberty and the second half is the harsh reality of life today, is no small time to contemplate a single subject. Especially when contemplating it during discussion with those opposed to it. But it is a good time, solid and yet new enough to be of use.

    The trick to all of it will be the Transition from a system where we claim ownership of the planet and it's resources to a system where we share the planet with all those around us without grudging anyone anything or hoarding anything because of assumed ownership. This one was tough, but the simplest answer turned out to be the right one. The easiest way to get rid of money without causing upheaval is to disassociate actual value from imagined value. This can only be done by offering a replacement for commonly accepted credit practices. I will cover this in more detail in Plan for Transition.

    Of course none  of this is practical unless the result is an improvement on what we currently have. So the next two Blogs will be dealing with the first in a series about Broken Sytems and How to fix them, and a closer look at the Plan for Transition. 

    Thanks for reading
    Rob Cayman

    - The Prelude -

    A world without money

    I am a 28 year old average white male. I have some life experience. More than most, but not enough to really get ahead. For years now, I have struggled to find my niche, and I'm starting to think it doesn't actually exist. That I'm just not built that way. This doesn't answer the essential question of what to do with my life though. Therefore, I, like the masses, have decided to blog, and see where it takes me.

    It's a new world. One that can be completely bewildering, until you learn to skim the surface, and only dip into that which catches your attention. (Note that I said attention and not eye!!!) It was only once I got the knack of skimming and dipping (not official terminology, just my own mind at work) that I started to get an Idea of how to blog, but I was still at a loss for what to write about. There is almost not a single topic that doesn't have some sort of blog already written about it. There are, however, a multitude of new topics being introduced and expounded upon daily. Of course, as is almost always the case, I was looking so hard for the answer to this conundrum that I couldn't see the bigger picture.

    It was only once I sat back and took full stock that I realized the new content is born out of Passion. The new ideas and creative blogs all belong to people who are intensely passionate about their subject (or about blogging in particular for some). Of course, to be commercially successful, they have to appeal to a broad market that is passionate about the same subject, which limits the massive success to those that follow the mainstream or branch off from it. Stifled once again by the prospect of fighting for decades to make an impact through my writing while trying desperately not to sell out to the corporate mainstream, I pushed aside thoughts of blogging and reverted to reading instead.

    But I was not long in the reading when a guest blog on ProBlogger caught my eye, and sure enough, there was the word again... Passion. Only, this time, when the word caught my eye, my frame of mind was right and I almost felt each gear click over in my head. I had been so busy looking for trendy topics that that held my attention long enough to write about, that  I didn't think to use my own passion instead of putting passion into someone else's topic.

    My deepest passion is to see a world without money before I die. Not a world with a replacement system implemented. But a world where the system is unneeded and forgotten. However, before I get started on the subject, I'm going to point out a few small FACTS for those who don't know them.

    1. All government's are essentially flawed. Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Feudalism etc. are all placed over a system already in place over everything. This is the monetary system. The monetary system ensures that no government can exist that is not corrupt.

    2. The majority of the money on the planet is held by the minority of people, leaving the crumbs for the masses.

    3. The world is in trouble. Global warming, War, Genocide, Nuclear Threat, Ecological destruction, Pollution, Corruption, Tyranny, and above all indifference and distancing of people. and all of them can be traced back to money.

    4. The only crimes not committed because of monetary inequity are those of passion and insanity.

    5. It is not money that is evil, nor our love of money, but rather the lie that is ownership.

    In this Blog, I am going to detail my plan to achieve a World Without Money, a World Without Borders, a World Without Hunger, a World Without War, a World In Balance and a World Of Health.

    We may be stuck right now in a world that requires us to follow the rules so we can pass it all on to our kids, who will do the same etc etc etc, but it doesn't have to be that way forever.

    That's the prelude, next installment coming soon.
    Rob Cayman

    Wednesday, 6 April 2011

    Random facts of the week

    1. The first metal-based barter system was established approximately 5000 BC. This is nearly 3000 years before even the first religion. Establishing money as our deepest-set system.

    2. The first recorded organised religion was Hinduism, then came Judaeism, then Taoism, Bhuddism and Shinto. only then do we get to today's popular beliefs. Christianity and then Islam.

    Of them all, it is only Judaeism and it's offspring, Islam and Christianity, that make use of money as more than a basic necessity.

    3. Every major problem facing the world today can be solved by getting rid of the monetary system.

    The Start Of words from the Heart

    This is how it all begins, where you all begin to listen. What you'll be hearing is the truth, we all hear it when something rings "true". For some it's that heavenly choir of "AH"'s in the background, for others it is a gong of beginning or ending. Some experience the clicking sound as the various mechanisms within the lock fall into place and the door is ready to be opened. Regardless of what occurs when the revelation of truth comes, how we deal with it the only thing of actual significance. The various options are as follows:

    • Deny it totally and unequivically: The is the Stock Answer for irrational, panicky human beings. Choose this option completely at your own peril, as it is most likely to leave you stuck in the dark wondering what the hell is actually going on.

    Sitting the fence can only last
    until it's your fence they're after
    • Accept the truth half heartedly while keeping your actual opinions hidden from those around you. This might seem the prudent answer in most cases, but is in fact simply a more cowardly approach to life than that of the mindless idiot screaming his protestations of denial. The problem with sitting on a fence is that sooner or later one side or the other wins and sets their sights on you as their next conquest, and then all the fence sitting in the world will not prevent your pleas for mercy being ignored.

    • Stand up, Face life head-on and Accept it as part of your journey. By keeping in mind that all things are relative, you can choose the terms on which you face any problem that might beset you. And acceptance of truth has only ever led to the paths of wisdom, where we can find our way to enlightenment and inner peace. Once inner peace is attained, it can be shared, and once inner peace becomes a way of life instead of a goal, the majority will begin to contemplate actual peace.
    Basically, keep an open mind, the best thing you can ever be is wrong. Later Peeps