In fact, even the most learned of scholars who have been pondering the problem for more than half a century, will say that it is far too complex a matter to be attempted lightly and more than likely will not be able to accurately describe the sequence of events required to bring about change.
There are several ways in which the desired result might be achieved, and each method would have positives and negatives based on the relative position of the person judging it. There are also several thousand million small details that might go unaccounted for. I mention this only so the reader understands this is conjecture. If the system were implemented, there would be more than just my singular person to plan and execute these systems.
Short term(3yrs)
- The only way to change any system, is from the inside out. It will take money to get rid of money.
- If 1% of the world's population controls 40% of it's wealth, that leaves 99% to control the other $25 trillion.
- This $25 trillion can be secured (for sustainable use), by offering the 99% of the population a credit card with NO LIMIT, save that of consience, law (revised) and greed restrictions (a golden toilet serves no higher a purpose than a ceramic toilet).
- In exchange for the card they are required to sign a contract forwarding all their earnings to same account. The world is the account holder. The details for the account go to everyone, everything is transparent.
- Work is only a requirement until the self sustaining systems are in place, then everyone is free to really do what they want, only the necessary jobs will remain.
- The credit card will from then on be used only as a tracking device the money being paid over goes directly to securing the resources of the planet
- If bad things are being done, they will be obvious.
- $25 trillion, when split among 6 billion people, comes down to a very paltry $4000 per person, making an even spread a ridiculous notion. Even with the other half (the half belonging to the super wealthy, who are, understandable reluctant to release their hoarded possessions) there would not be enough.
- if we instead, use the $25 trillion to implement a change in systems, the result will be a single account, holding the majority of the world's wealth and resources.
- 1 geothermal energy plant producing clean, sustainable, renewable energy that could easily be given away for free, costs approximately $10mil. so... $1 trillion will build 100 000 of them or their equivalent, (area dependent, wind/water/solar). Energy, Check.
- A state-of-the-art 40 unit hospital costs about $25 mil. an immediate $1 trillion will build 100 000 of these. Health care, Check oh, and add on a trillion for sustainability design and industry restructuring.
- A new school (primary or high) costs $10mil. 500 000 schools and free open education for all. Education, Check (Note that education features under both medium and long term as well)
- Vertical Farms and other modern farming techniques will fill the food shortage, a $1 trillion injection for the additional food to get everyone fed to begin with and a further $2 trillion to convert current farms requiring conversion. Food Check
- Borders must become for governance only, not restrictive, import and export taxes and duties are a useless waste of money paying for simple administration, which can be better handled by automated systems.
- There is no reason for an immediate change of government in places that are not suffering under their government, but, as there is no longer any money affiliated with the people who govern, there can be no corruption.
- Water security and sanitation for 3rd world countries is imperative.
- The education system will require a major overhaul. Without fiscal economics and it's multitude of industries, the education will have to focus on new objectives. The overhaul will be able to take advantage of all the latest advances and technology.
- Government will restructure according to the will of the people. Who literally own all the resources.
- With more than half the crime being a thing of the past, Law systems will be revised.
- Sustainable 1st world Housing for everyone is the bare minimum to strive for.
- 1st results from hightened research should begin to bear fruits, easing transition further.
- The transport system should be undergoing drastic changes, with many options tat are deemed fanciful today, being the way of the future.
- First major revision of all systems should be done at this point to ensure that stagnation is not occuring.
- Education should be global at this point and moving towards higher education globally.
- Research will begin to take us into the realm of science fiction and fantasy. (Without all the malevolent AI robots that want to kill us) Improving the quality of life for all.
- All new systems should now be in place and ready for adaptation as and where required.
If we all stand together, we can fix all the world's problems. Literally.