Thursday, 19 May 2011

Evolution of Government: The caveman evolves

I have shown how the construct of ownership is very much stuck in it's early stages of evolutionary development, but it is not alone. We currently have several of our mental constructs still learning about fire and inventing the wheel. But there are a few that have shown tremedous growth throughout their lifespan to-date.

There is the construct of government, which is much younger than that of ownership, dating back only as far as 3500bc in it's official capacity, although even tribal man felt the need for structure and order and chose a chief or council of elders to make big decisions and act as arbiter. This would later evolve into depotic kingdoms, led by kings. There are some kingdoms that have sequestered themselves in their kingdomatic evolution and remain steadfast even today. Later, with over population, dissention among the masses and an inability for one man to effectively rule, those kingdoms became empires, ruled by one and governed by a ministry. It is this ministry that would later grow to power, overthrow the ruler and become a structured government. Today we have several varieties of this government structure:

  • Autocracy (The Rule of One) *Here, the flaw is obvious
    • Dictatorship
      • Military dictatorship
      • Stratocracy
      • Despotism
    • Kleptocracy
    • Kritarchy
    • Monarchy
      • Absolute monarchy
      • Constitutional monarchy
      • Duchy
        • Grand Duchy
      • Diarchy
      • Enlightened absolutism
      • Elective monarchy
      • Hereditary monarchy
      • Non-Sovereign Monarchy
      • Popular monarchy
      • Principality
      • New Monarchs
      • Self-proclaimed monarchy
      • Regent
    • Plutocracy
      • Timocracy
    • Police state
    • Oligarchy
      • Saeculum obscurum
    • Theocracy
    • Tyranny
  • Anarchy (Absence of organized government) *Although many advocate a move to this system, it will invariably lead back to other forms of government
    • Ochlocracy
    • Tribalism
  • Anarchism (Government of consent, not coercion) * although this is similar in principle to an autonomous government, the human factor still makes it corruptible
    • Anarchist communism
    • Libertarian socialism
    • Libertarian municipalism
    • Anarcho-capitalism
    • Green anarchism
    • Isocracy
  • Socialism * without an efficient and abundant system, this essentially cuts 1 cake into 6,5 billion pieces
    • Socialist state
    • Communist state
    • Collective leadership
    • State socialism
    • Soviet republic (system of government)
  • Democracy (The Say of the People) * although this is the most modern of all the systems, it is also the most deceptive, democracy essentially creates division, and one that will always have a majority against a spread of minorities.
    • Consociationalism
    • Deliberative democracy
    • Democratic socialism
    • Totalitarian democracy
      • Dictatorship of the proletariat
    • Direct democracy
    • Egalitarianism
    • Futarchy
    • Open source governance
    • Participatory democracy
    • Representative democracy
      • Parliamentary system
        • Consensus government
        • Westminster system
      • Polyarchy
      • Presidential system
      • Semi-presidential system
  • Republic (The Rule Of law) * this system, very specifically, creates thoughts of Patriotic Superiority, leading to nationalism and xenophobia
      • Constitutional republic
      • Parliamentary republic
      • Federal Republic

To date, not one of these has brought unity, freedom and prosperity to the world as a whole, but this is not surprizing, as none of these goverments were designed to accomodate the entire planet. When government first became the rational option for people, there were only individual states to be concerned with.Now the picture has changes, and the politcal system must evolve, or it will collapse under the enormous weight of a dissatisfied planet. It is time for the next logical evolutionary step to be made. The step, in my opinion, is not one that can be simply decided upon and done. There is an entire planet full of people to consider. 

So let us run a thought experiment:

We are asked to design a new goverment for the entire planet. That allows freedom, cultural difference and is completely transparent. One that is dynamic and can adjust to the needs of the planet in real time. A system that does not raise one person's control over others by means of political fearmongering. 

This system is not as far-fetched as one might believe. We already have a completely functional system that caters for all of these requirements. And it is an autonomous system. Wikipedia has no single body of control, but rather, is governed by the people using the system. Of course, wikipedia has been touted as questionable in it's authenticity. But fi one is aware of the fallible nature of the system, then there are simple ways to circumnavigate the problem. The easiest of which is human intervention, whereby, someone familiar with the decision reaching process steps in and makes the decision. In a real-world autonomous govenment, this would mean that experts are only required in exigent circumstances.

The main thing to note, is that government was never designed to enforce laws, or dominate it's society. It was designed to govern. Which is actually a job of diligence and maintenance, is today misused as a position of authority and power.

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